Mergers & Acquisitions and Third Party Due Diligence

case study 1: East african target acquisition

On behalf of a UK listed company, looking to acquire an East African company operating in the fast moving consumer goods sector, we undertook a review of the policies and procedures of the target acquisition  alongside financial and legal due diligence teams. Our review involved interviews with key management, and background checks  on the target acquisition. The review determined that the target had good policies and procedures, which were operating effectively.  Our work resulted in the acquisition proceeding and provided comfort under the requirements of the UK Bribery Act.

case study 2: vietnamese target acquisition

On behalf of a US and UK listed company, looking to acquire a Vietnamese company operating in the FMCG sector, we undertook a review of the policies and procedures of the target acquisition. Interviewing key management, and reviewing the books and records for accounting irregularities. We found that the target company had no policies or procedures in place for the prevention or detection of bribes. The acquisition target agreed to the implementation of key controls, which assisted with the acquisition.


On behalf of a US listed company, looking to  partner with a South American supplier, we undertook a detailed financial due diligence and tested the third party's adherence to ethics and compliance policies. The review revealed weaknesses in the accounting practices, and a number of ethical non-compliance issues. Pear Tree oversaw the implementation of a remediation exercise, bringing the third party up to best practice, and in-line with the expectations of the US listed company.