Litigation support and valuations

We offer a range of forensic accounting support for litigious matters, from contractual disputes to loss of profits / business, we offer financial modelling to calculate historical and future losses. 

A company valuation can be required for a variety of reasons: management and / or shareholder buy-outs, Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO), insurance claims, and matrimonial disputes.  We offer independent, expert-witness valuations and have access to a plethora of industry experts to ensure a true and fair valuation of your company.

case study 1: management buy-out

We were approached by the senior management of a dotcom company to provide a valuation of the company for the purposes of a management buy-out. The independent valuation was approved by the board and the takeover was successful.

case study 2: CPO - financial modelling

HS2 resulted in the purchase of land and buildings of a country farm shop and sister wedding business in Staffordshire, and a claim was issued for recompense of the associated loss of profits / business. We assessed the books and records for the two sister companies, forecasting lost future profits in conjunction with growth projections, and provided an independent valuation for the losses suffered.

case study 3: matrimonial dispute

The parties were unable to agree on the valuation of jointly held assets, including multiple properties, classic sports cars, investments and a jointly held company for the purpose of a marital separation. We were approached as a single joint expert, to audit the asset disclosure, identify and value all assets.